Our goal is for you to make an educated and informed decision about working with us (and walk away with concrete steps to improve your financial life!). This short, simple process is designed to help both of us figure out if we can provide significantly more value than the fee we charge.

Free Assessment Process


During this step, we spend between 20-30 minutes discussing what you’re looking to accomplish and whether our firm is a good solution for you. You’ll leave this call knowing what the financial planning process looks like, how we operate as an Investment Advisor, and any other questions you may have. If it makes sense for us to continue the conversation, we’ll move to step two.


The next step is a 1-hour meeting (Zoom or Google Meet) for us get crystal clear on your situation, priorities, and concerns.

During this step, we talk about tangible opportunities to optimize your investments, lower your future taxes, and organize your financial life. The goal of this meeting is for both of us to figure out if we can provide significantly more value than the fee we charge.

Prior to this conversation, we will request some documents from you.


With your financial assessment complete, we will have another meeting to review our findings and recommendations.

In this step, we provide a one page summary that outlines the areas we’re excited to help you with and a direct price quote.

This helps you see how we will advise in the defensive portions of your financial life (mainly estate planning and insurance) and the offensive portions (tax planning and retirement planning). You will also see how we build portfolios and manage your investments.

In plain English, we will explain exactly what you can do to improve your financial situation, approach your equity, and lower your taxes.


At the end of this process, we will simply ask you to think about it. We are looking for long-term relationships, not a quick yes.

Once you have time to digest it all, we will check-in with you to see if it makes sense to move forward together or part ways as friends.

If you decide that we aren’t a good fit, we will happily help you find another professional with the right expertise. There is never a hard-sell or pressure to say "yes."

Schedule an Intro Call

We believe awesome service should be available to everyone, no matter the size of your portfolio. That’s why we have a price plan to suit everyone.